Customers use EdgarStat’s Transfer Pricing Economics consulting services and financial information databases for listed stock exchange companies worldwide.
Online company financials include multi-year fundamental data (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow), and customized financial ratios. For U.S. listed companies, we provide the 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) filings.
Unlock actionable insights with our innovative Profit Benchmark Report—designed to turn your specific industry into powerful, data-driven decisions.
Our solution integrates inputs like your SIC code, target country, profit indicator, and desired audit year range to automatically extract and analyse data from the EdgarStat database, delivering a comprehensive report tailored to your needs.
EdgarStat’s Transfer Pricing Economics interactive software tools enable users to calculate interquartile ranges, make assets-based adjustments, and perform regression analysis to compute more reliable profit indicators, essential for transfer pricing analysis.
Leverage our useful databases and tools to benchmark recurring inter-group transactions.
The EdgarStat Blog explores issues in transfer pricing and application of the transactional net margin method (TNMM or CPM in the US) and other enterprise profit-based methods.